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Diversify Your Credit Union’s Social Media Content

Marketers beware! You may fall into the common social media trap of posting content that becomes too repetitive. Just like a commercial you see over and over, your followers may start to unconsciously overlook your posts if it becomes too familiar. This is why it’s important to diversify your credit union content.

Why is diverse content important?

Many credit unions are working toward building their brand’s voice and presence on social media, which often means ensuring posts are consistent and regular. However, this could lead to stale and redundant content. Diversifying your content will help you avoid this and keep your presence fresh.

Not every medium is going to be a good fit for every social platform. Knowing which content performs best and catering to the platforms you use is another important part of diverse content. For example, videos are the only thing that TikTok does, but those same videos may fall flat for your Twitter audience. Adapting your ideas for each platform is a key step in successful social media planning.

One of the best things your credit union can keep in mind is that overall, algorithms and audiences favor variety. Offering an array of content that is more than just your products and services is the best way to stay on top of mind for your followers. The general rule of thumb is that 80% of your social media content should be useful or entertaining for your followers, and only 20% should explicitly be promoting your products.

How can you diversify credit union content?

Consider all that you can offer your audience. You can utilize your platform to educate, entertain, share success stories, and more. By rotating through these kinds of posts, you offer your audience more varied content, and in turn, raise your value by proving you have more to offer.

It’s 2023, and social media platforms offer a ton of tools and ways to post that your credit union should be using to their benefit. Long gone are the days of each social platform being for one specific post. A great example of this is Instagram, which has adapted what users love about other social media platforms and incorporated them into their interface. Stories and Reels are actually just Snapchat and TikToks after all, right? Utilizing all of these tools to reach your followers is a simple and efficient step toward diversifying your content.

Another thing you should consider when exploring new mediums is how they enable you to engage with your audience. For example, TikTok allows you to reply to your follower’s comments with a video. Utilizing this as an educational opportunity to see exactly what your followers have questions about, and engaging with them directly is a great way to build that connection and create content your followers actually want to see. Other tools that allow you to engage with your audience include various Instagram story stickers, live streaming, LinkedIn polls, and more!

Let Vibrant optimize your social planning. We’re ready to build you a diverse and engaging content plan and produce quality video content for your social profiles. Schedule a consultation today!